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Mechanical Testing
A2Z has vibration and shock machines to complete a wide range of mechanical test these include:
Sinusoidal Vibration
Sinusoidal vibration tests are used to detect any mechanical weakness of the specimen, to verify its robustness and / or to assess its dynamic behaviour. They also provide a safe method to identify resonance frequencies in the product.
This type of vibration tests, reproduced as a sweep or by excitation at fixed frequency, gives us an indication of the fatigue strength of the product under test.
Mechanical Shock
A shock (impulse) is a mechanical alteration characterized by a rise and drop of acceleration within a short period of time. It corresponds to a sudden and frequently, severe transient phenomenon.
It is defined by a specific amplitude of acceleration, a time interval and a certain pulse shape (half sine, terminal peak sawtooth, trapezoidal, etc.).
Random Vibration
Random vibration tests are used to simulate real vibration conditions such as transport, mechanical operation or manipulation in, for example, airplanes and space or land vehicles. This type of vibration simultaneously excites all product resonances and determines whether it supports “real world” vibrations.
It is not a test with isolated frequencies but, rather, these are applied in a random way with a spectrum that constantly changes in amplitude and phase.
Other Types of Vibration and Shock Tests
Sine On Random
Random On Random
Sine Random On Random
Shock Response Spectrum (SRS)
Vibration and Shock Tables
Vibration Tests: Sine, Random,
Sine on Random, Random on Random

Mechanical Shock Table
Maximum G-Force Output: 30,000 Gs
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